I exist everywhere in your body and can do anything you need me to do. I am guided by an innate wisdom that has me take form in very specific ways. It seems that the physical parts of the body take my lead and do what I do. I am your Energetic Body. Some can see and feel me clearly, while others struggle to connect. It is those who can sense me with ease that help me shift and change. By connecting to me, you can assist in creating profound change in the structure and organization of the body.
This course helps to mold and develop the Energetic Sense—the ability to tune into, observe and surrender to the energetic bodymind. This is a highly coveted skill that makes the difference between an average BodyTalker and an excellent one.
The course is be a combination of lectures and practical. As you develop and refine your Energetic Sense, you will be able to work with tremendous focus and clarity to shift and influence the physical structures of the body. Part of working with and repairing bodily structures also requires a deep understanding of the energy and consciousness of water, which this course will explore. Water. Consciousness. Energy. Focus. Structure. Function. These concepts are all more deeply connected and related than you know. This course will help you understand why and learn how to put that understanding into powerful practice
Course Description
During this course, you will delve into fully understanding how to “work” with the energetic body. This includes unique and expanded ways to utilize your senses, practice the skill of focus, and surrender to innate wisdom. The course also contains practical applications guided by your instructor that will hone your effectiveness in several existing BodyTalk techniques.
You will also learn various techniques for “influencing” the structure of the body, including the ability to use water to initiate rapid repair. Water is revolutionizing the way we work as BodyTalk practitioners. We learn in Fundamentals that our bodies have an innate impulse to heal. Every session we do relies upon this knowledge. What we haven’t been aware of is that water is the mysterious mechanism behind healing, and not just in a physical sense.
In this course, you will be taught how to access water’s potential through our ability to focus and trust our subtle senses, yielding near-instantaneous results. There will be hands on demonstrations on working with water and also important techniques for realigning the structure of the brain, the body as a whole, and specific body parts. This focus on realignment and structure goes hand in hand with the concept of structured water to create a course that magnifies our intention as BodyTalk practitioners.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Utilize the subtle senses more deeply and effortlessly through fun techniques.
2. Practice the skill of focus, learning to become one with the energetic body.
3. Learn how to surrender to innate wisdom and describe change in the body.
4. Enhance their ability to support significant physical change via the energetic body.
5. Utilize techniques for realigning the two halves of various brain and body parts.
6. Understand water as the body’s healing mechanism to repair damaged structures.
7. Utilize EZ water to restructure the body’s crystalline matrix.
8. Implement new techniques as part of the BodyTalk toolbox.
9. Fine tune the implementation of BodyTalk tools and techniques that already exist.
This course is open to Non-members and IBA Members. No prerequisites are required.
This course counts for 16 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners’ requirements. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]