Course Title:
BodyTalk for Animals
Course Overview:
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to BodyTalk for Animals for use in clinical settings with animals as the client, as well as sessions with your own animals, using the techniques and concepts learned in BodyTalk Fundamentals and BodyTalk Principles of Consciousness.
Course Description
This course begins with a power-point presentation and discussion of the theoretical aspects that support the concepts covered in the BodyTalk for Animals manual.
You will be encouraged to share your own personal experience with animals as a layperson and or professional.
Class exercises throughout will create a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness that the animals represent on the earth at this time.
We dedicate a large portion of the class to gaining confidence with your hands-on practical application of BodyTalk with the animal kingdom.
You will perform practical sessions with human surrogates representing the live animals, followed by instructor-supervised class de-briefs of your sessions.
For your practical sessions there will be live dogs, horses, cats, and at times, also farm animals, zoo animals or sanctuary animals, depending on location and availability of animal clients.
Techniques and theories covered in BodyTalk for Animals can be applied to any animal, however discussion within the theoretical aspect of the course will focus mainly on dogs, cats and horses.
This course will also include:
• Basic classifications and characteristics of dogs, cats and horses including breed characteristics, behavior, basic animal and group consciousness.
• How to create a safe environment to work with animals.
• Safe handling of animals, and unique responses of animals to BodyTalk.
• Various forms of surrogate muscle checking, as BodyTalk for Animals is normally practiced in your clinical setting via a human surrogate.
• Increased flexibility in your approach to muscle checking within a session, and to ascertain surrogates, as well as matrix connections within the family, farm, zoo, sanctuary, community etc.
• Practice of short distance and remote sessions, as well as use of surrogates, priorities, permissions, and agendas, in relation to animals.
• A deeper understanding of using Advanced Procedures within animal sessions.
• New insights into the relationships between people and animals, while learning how to work with the entire family, farm, zoo, sanctuary, community matrix, etc.
• How to deal with emotional trauma and environmental conditions that affect animals via BodyTalk for Animals sessions.
• How the animal’s emotional trauma and environmental conditions affect you as a practitioner and explore how to deal with this to be able to be an effective non-agenda based practitioner.
• Exploring the animal-human connection as it pertains to BodyTalk concepts of healing and change.
• Discussions of the legal ramifications and liabilities of adding BodyTalk for Animals to your existing practice as a CBP.
Course Outline
The following will be examined from the perspective of the animal.
• Basic principles in working with animals
• Animal Innate Wisdom
• Basic consciousness of dogs, cats, horses
• Safe handling practices
• Animal balancing principles
• Common health issues for animals
• Permissions
• Sections
• Agenda
• Five Senses:
• Touch
• Taste
• Smell
• Hearing
• Sight
• General Consciousness:
• Separation
• Time
• Guilt/Fear
• Individuation
• EGB:
• SB Junction
• Switching
• Cortices
• Hydration
• Scars and Blemishes
• Interference
• Organs
• Endocrines
• Body Parts
• Energies:
• Chakras
• Meridians
• Pancreas Reflex Point
• General Environment
• Vivaxis:
• Birth
• Environmental
• Body Chemistry
• Active Memory
• Cellular Repair
• Lymph
• Circulation / Nerve Supply
• Musculo-Skeletal:
• 18 Reciprocals
• Discussion and practical exploration of matrix connections within the family, farm, zoo, sanctuary, community etc. (it is highly recommended to take Matrix Dynamics
• Practical application of BodyTalk for Animals with live animals present, via various forms of surrogating (minimum of 8 practical sessions including de-brief per participant).
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course each participant will be able to:
1. Have greater confidence and understanding of your BodyTalk sessions with animals and humans.
2. Remain more calm and centered in the presence of animal clients.
3. Create a safe space for the animal clients.
4. Perform short distance and remote sessions for any species of animal, via the use of a surrogate.
5. Effectively de-brief the BodyTalk for Animals session to the human client.
6. Bring new perspectives to all of your BodyTalk sessions.
7. More effectively explain BodyTalk for Animals to your human clients.
8. Apply BodyTalk Fundamentals in regard to the animal and human client.
9. Apply Principles of Consciousness in regard to the animal and human client.
10. Explain to your clients the interconnectedness of the animal within
the family, farm, zoo, sanctuary, community matrix, etc.
11. Understand the legal ramifications, liabilities, and BodyTalk ethics of adding BodyTalk for Animals to your existing practice as a CBP.
12. Apply all of the BodyTalk for Animals principles learned, at home as a lay-person, or in a professional setting such as zoo, sanctuary, farms, stables, kennels, veterinary clinic, etc.
Assessment: This course is suitable for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners who would like to integrate animals into their practice.
For animal health care professionals BodyTalk integrates seamlessly with veterinary medicine, as well as animal trainers, groomers, kennel, barn, farm, ranch, zoo, sanctuary staff and more.
This largely experiential class is also great for animal owners who may want to learn BodyTalk for Animals to work with their own animals at home.
Textbook: BodyTalk for Animals Manual
Additional Reading: Narayan Singh – Messages from the Animals
Scott Alexander King – Animal Dreaming
Stephen Farmer – Animal Spirit Guides
Ted Andrews – Animal Speak
Course Name: BodyTalk for Animals
Format: Classroom, as well as animal friendly locations: dog kennel, zoo, sanctuary, animal shelter, horse barn, farms, etc.
Prerequisites: BodyTalk Fundamentals Course, Advanced Protocol & Procedure DVD Course, Principles of Consciousness and IBA Standard Membership
This course counts for 32 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners’ requirements.