BodyTalk Fascial Energetics Level 2


BodyTalk Fascial Energetics Level 2

Course Overview:
This 4 day course is a continuation of Fascial Energetics Level 1. This class will review key concepts and principles covered in Level 1 and will further explore the general principles of Energy Medicine and Quantum Physics as it applies to the physical body. This course will expand on the study of the cranium and will introduce evaluation and treatment of the cranial bones, sutures, and intracranial membranes. You will also learn to apply Fascial Energetics techniques to Organs, Sense Organs, Endocrines, and the vital structures (nerves, arteries, veins, and lymphatics) that provide support to these structures both on and off the body. You will learn to apply these same techniques to structures that make up the energy body including meridians, chakras, and dantiens.

The focus of Level one was introduce Fascial Energetic techniques to balance a single location. In this class we will review the techniques covered in Fascial Energetics Level 1 and will expand upon the basic Fascial Energetics Protocol Chart to introduce new techniques such as Multiple Locations, Fascial Chains and Vectors. In Fascial Energetics Level 2 we will continue to explore the application of these techniques in distant sessions and self-treatment.

Course Description
• Quantum physics tells us that our prime system of communication is electromagnetic in nature running through the fascial system in a random and very rapid nature. Releasing restrictions within the fascial system removes obstacles to communication at the physiologic, energetic and electromagnetic levels thus improving health and efficiency of function.
• You will develop a better understanding of how physical injury, emotions, active memory, beliefs systems, consciousness, environmental triggers, and fears and phobias can distort the fascia creating stored patterns of dysfunction that spread throughout the body.
• You will gain a better ability to explain to your clients how fascia becomes distorted, how it can affect posture, range of motion, body tension, and pain and, can form barriers to the movement of circulation, energy and neural flow thus affecting general function and overall health of the body.
• You will learn to evaluate the 5 Zones (the cranium, anterior torso, posterior torso, upper and lower extremities) of the body for fascial imbalances using both an intuitive and a manual body scan.
• New technique approaches will be introduced:
Vector: This is a rod of energetic tension in the body generally caused by some form of trauma. This line of tension can run through various structures such as a bone, joint, muscle, or an organ. Our focus is not on balancing the anatomy but on collapsing or dispersing this line of tension

Fascial Chain: this is a line of tension like a pull in a sweater. A chain of tension can involve various structures. An example would be a line of tension running from the foot to the knee, wrapping through the pelvis, ending at an abdominal organ.

Multiple Locations: In Level 1 our focus was on balancing a single location. In this module, we will begin to focus on balancing more than one location at once. For example, the right clavicle may need to balance with the upper lobe of the right lung. The right clavicle may need to balance to several other areas as well.

• You will discover that traditional Fascial Release classes teach standard protocols which may not be effective in all cases. Fascial Energetics utilizes your skills as a BodyTalk practitioner to determine the priority, the orientation, the areas it may influence and the optimal approach to release the pattern of fascial tension. You will be able to develop a customized Fascial Energetics technique to suit the needs of each of your clients.
• This class will consist of lecture, demonstration and lots of hands-on practice time. You will be provided with a highly illustrated manual and easily to follow advanced procedure chart to speed up the learning process. Morning visualization and afternoon hands-on review sessions will help you to quickly master the techniques with confidence.
• One of the most exciting aspects of this course is that BodyTalk Fascial Balancing can be used for self-treatment. This class will teach you skills to self-evaluate and balance structural imbalances on your own body. You will also learn how to treat clients at a distance.

You will walk away from this class feeling confident to immediately incorporate your new skills into your practice and your own self-care.

Course Outline
Review BT Fascial Balancing Level I
Evaluation (ARTS)
Fascial Anatomy
Protocol & Fascial Balancing Techniques
Superficial Fascia/Muscles
Joints (Sutures)
Intracranial Membranes (Deep Fascia: Dura, Arachnoid and Pia Mater)
Gall Bladder
Small Intestine
Large Intestine

Sense Organs
Hearing: Ear
Smelling: Nose
Taste: Tongue
Sight: Eyes
Touch: mechanoreceptors
Vital Structures: 5 Regions

New Techniques: 5 Regions
Multiple locations
Fascial Chain

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
• Describe the general concepts and principles of BodyTalk Fascial Balancing and learn to identify the signs when Fascial Balancing is occurring and when it is complete.
• Describe what BodyTalk Fascial Balancing can do for your clients, who can benefit from the technique, and what the indications and contraindications may be.
• Demonstrate how BodyTalk Fascial Balancing will help to balance scar tissue, muscle tension, fascial tension, joint stiffness, organ dysfunction, and fluids, improving posture, range of motion, circulation, energy flow, and neural flow while decreasing pain.
• Recognize fascia through palpation; where it is found; its role in the body; what happens to fascia when it gets injured and the various causes of fascial tension.
• Demonstrate how to work at the fascial level; improve palpation skills and heighten the awareness and acuity of the subtle senses. Improve one’s ability to “tune in” to the tissues and help the client improve their own body awareness.
• Demonstrate the different types of BodyTalk Fascial Balancing such as Superficial Fascia/Scar Balancing, and the Fascial Balancing of muscle, bones, joints, sutures, organs, endocrines, sense organs, nerves, arteries, veins, and lymphatics, all of which can be performed on or off the body in each of the 5 Zones.
• Describe how fascial tension in an organ may be responsible for symptoms in the client’s lower back, shoulder, neck or TMJ. The BodyTalk Fascial Balancing technique will quickly guide you to the priority zone and body part that requires balancing.
• Demonstrate how to address any imbalances caused as a result of foreign objects in the body. Artificial joints, pacemakers, IUDs, dental appliances etc.

• Describe how the foreign objects can cause fascial tension and postural distortion.

• Demonstrate how to use Fascial Energetics to disperse the energy Vectors, and balance fascial chains and multiple locations.

• Demonstrate how to self-evaluate and balance structural imbalances in their own body.

• Describe how to treat clients at a distance.

Assessment: N/A

Textbook: Manual is provided at the course

Additional Reading: N/A

Prerequisites:BodyTalk Fundamentals, Fascial Energetics Level 1


This course counts for 32 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners’ requirements.