Jen Chilwell
Hi there - I’m Jen Chilwell
I’m a mom and gran, Body Talk Practitioner, Owner of a Recruitment Company, Life and career coach and an avid Astrology and Tarot fan.
I discovered Body Talk in 2019, by chance, and was fascinated by the process and how incredibly it impacted my life on all levels (physical, emotional, energetic & spiritual).
I found it insightful, helpful, and deeply healing, and always walked away from a session with more clarity, purpose & knowingness in my life. It put me in touch with my body and my emotions, and brought to light how the whole holistic body/mind system works and supports us in all areas of life.
I love that the process is non-invasive, relaxing and healing, while powerfully impactful, and through the sessions that I have facilitated, I have seen immense relief, growth and transformation in my clients.
I feel at peace, knowing that I have discovered, through BodyTalk, my life’s purpose in helping others to grow and heal on all levels.
- jen@skyepax.co.za
- 2nd Avenue, Harfield Village, Cape Town