Marlene Smith
With a 37-year background in human resources management, I experienced time and again how life sapping and physically debilitating long-term performance stresses can become.
My personal experience and introduction to BodyTalk began in 2011 whilst having to find ways myself to deal with the non-stop stressful career and it helped tremendously. But it was only when my own health issues could not be addressed by means of just conventional medicine anymore that my journey Bodytalk started. After 16 knee surgeries, still in pain and having tried everything else, I realised that pain always acts as a messenger to show us what is not working in our bodies and that medicine didn’t change my issues with my knees – only my perception i.e. that I couldn’t feel the pain anymore. It was during this healing journey that I discovered the real value and power of BodyTalk on my whole Bodymind.
The holistic approach of BodyTalk focuses on restoring balance, communication and synchronising all levels of the person, not just physically but mentally and emotionally too in order for our bodies to heal itself!
In this era of “pill popping” as quick fixes, this healing modality is mind-blowing on so many levels and never ceases to amaze me as to our body’s own healing capabilities! I am eternally grateful for stumbling upon BodyTalk, and incredibly humbled that I can now assist others in their healing process and leading quality lives.
This also made me realize that it could be just as powerful a modality for animals who cannot speak for themselves and led me to qualify as a certified BodyTalk for Animals Practioner.
Living in a human environment often causes conflict with the natural instincts of animals and may manifest as physical, behavioural and emotional malfunctioning within an animal’s bodymind. It can lead to disease and are most often mistaken as behavioural issues. Sessions are done either in the animal’s normal habitat or via distance sessions using video call with profound results.
BodyTalk for Animals addresses animal health on all levels; physical, behavioural, emotional, environmental, and spiritual.
My passion these days are to help us humans understand our pets and their needs better and assist them in leading longer, happier lives.
I am member of the International BodyTalk Association and South Africa BodyTalk Association, I am also a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, an Access BARS Practitioner and Reiki Master. I look forward to assisting you and your furry friends on your healing journey.
- marlene@bodytalk4animals.co.za
- 0836800173
- Etienne Lewis Lifestyle Centre, Shop 9, 978 Veda Rd, Montana Park, Pretoria