Vanessa Crawford-Murphy
After spending 20 years climbing the Corporate ladder, working in the Chemical Industry as well as being part a large blended family, I realized how stress can severely affect our functioning and cause various ailments. This I discovered after a debilitating shoulder pain had me visiting various healthcare specialists including Physiotherapists and Chiropractors. I was at my wits end and a friend suggested I try BodyTalk, I had nothing to lose. I scheduled a session and went, not knowing what to expect. I never thought I would walk out of the session with an instant 50% pain reduction. Each day the pain seemed to lessen, until one week later, I was completely pain free!! I now wanted to know more!
I did my own investigation into the BodyTalk system and became so intrigued with this incredible healthcare system that I decided to do the BodyTalk Course and certify as a BodyTalk Practitioner under the guidance of the International BodyTalk Association so that I could be in a position to assist others cope with stress and the various physical, mental and emotional issues that can arise in the body due internal and external environmental factors. After certifying as an internationally recognized BodyTalk Practitioner, I left the corporate world to focus on helping others cope with the everyday stressors of life, using the incredible techniques of the BodyTalk System. I have since added Fascia release and Solfeggio frequency therapy to my ‘tool box’ to further assist my clients to heal in the most natural way possible. I now have clients globally that benefit from these various modalities. Since my career change, I have assisted many to shift aches, pains, tensions and discomfort in the entire BodyMind complex, thereby restoring vibrant health to their body, mind and energy systems. I work with individuals as well as groups. I am grateful to be able to assist others as I know what it is like to suffer for years, and then find relief from aches and pains, allergies, anxiety and overwhelm from the challenge of juggling a corporate life with a large blended family.
Vanessa Crawford-Murphy
Founder of Be You Global Health & Wellness
Certified Holistic Practitioner
I look forward to continuing to see remarkable shifts and changes in my client’s healing journeys.
Contact details - +1 (425) 542 4711
+27 82 820 4678
- vanessa@beyoubodytalk.com
- +1 425 542 4711
- 0828204678
- Seattle, Washington USA